Event Inquiries & Proposals

Would you like to use Neighbor to host an event or facilitate programming, or suggest something you’d partner with us to bring to life? Please submit this inquiry form and we’d be happy to get back to you to discuss any questions and if Neighbor is the right fit.

Here are details and parameters to be aware:

  • Neighbor is here primarily for the well-being of Chelsea, so we prioritize events & programming that are open to the public and for the good of our neighborhood.

  • We are open to private events, so it is always worth asking.

  • For all events, we work with you to evaluate if your proposal will work well given the parameters of our space, noise considerations with our neighbors, and other planned activities or commitments.

  • Please note, all events must end by 9pm due to noise considerations to respect our neighbors.

  • Neighbor is outfitted with a small half bath, a pantry (electric outlets only, no running water or oven/stove top), and a mini-fridge. We also have Wi-fi, a dry erase board, and a 50 in smart TV.

  • We currently work on a sliding scale pricing structure. For events or programming that we feel are particularly in line with our mission to promote the well-being of Chelsea, we grant use of the space for free. For other events, we intentionally structure our fees to be under the going market rate of similar venues in the neighborhood, to be a blessing and be able to give the gift of space. We’re also happy to offer discounts to non-profit, educational, or other mission-based organizations.